Responsibility Socioenvironmental

Coopersanta is guided by the belief in sustainability and social responsibility. We are part of a Cooperative Group, working together with Coopermetal – Cooperativa Metalúrgica de Rondônia Ltda, at the Bom Futuro Mine, located in the municipality of Ariquemes – RO. 

We have as a principle a deep involvement with the community, where we develop some projects aimed at the quality of life of these people, based on social integration. We understand that we are all responsible for the set of attitudes that generate changes and contribute to future generations.

For this, we have the three pillars of sustainable development as a basis: social, economic and environmental.

Environmental Projects

De Mãos Dadas pelo Meio Ambiente. Parceria Coopersanta, SEDAM, Prefeitura de Ariquemes e SENAIS.
Digital Inclusion Project. Partnership Coopersanta, UNIR and SENAI.
Professional Training Program. Partnership SENAI, Coopersanta, MDCI and PRONATEC.
Drug and Violence Resistance Education Program;
In 2005, we won the Itaú Unicef ​​award for the project “Hands down for the Environment – ​​Education is the key”

Degraded Area Recovery Program

The green area is part of Coopersanta's Program for the Recovery of Degraded Areas. 

This program aims to restore areas that have been damaged by various factors.

Coopersanta has worked hard to ensure that this project is a success, and the green area is proof of that.

This project is fundamental to guarantee a more sustainable future for the next generations and for the planet as a whole.